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How to intercept and manipulate DNS queries?

I’m not sure if I worded the question correctly to be honest but basically what I want to do is: When a user types in something like Expenses in the URL bar of a browser, I want the browser to be...

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How to update existing desktop shortcuts?

I’m thinking along the line of when a word document is moved the shortcut is only updated on those systems where a shortcut to it already exists. These shortcuts exist on the user’s individual...

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Is there a quick way to create a Windows shortcut to a file without it...

Trying to create a shortcut for someone else. It needs to point to files on one of their mapped drives. Instead of waiting for them to be available and create the shortcut on their PC, I was hoping to...

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Shorcut to list pending updates in Microsoft Windows

Is it possible to create a shortcut to “View update history”? Or, do you have a script (powershell, vbs, cmd, …) to list pending updates? Give this Powershell script a try: $update = new-object -com...

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How to create a shortcut for a IP:port url?

I have a service running on a specific port on a given ip : The server at this IP address is all mine (but not the network, so no switch/router tweaking), and I also have a bunch of...

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Windows 7 / 2008 / 2003 / XP – How do I make a Desktop Shortcut to Logoff User?

In Windows XP or later, How do I make a Desktop Shortcut to Logoff User? I think you could put the following in a cmd file and put that on the desktop (text file with .cmd extension): shutdown -l You...

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“do you want to open this file” dialog XP SP2 driving me nuts

I used ApplicationMover to move some applications to a second drive, which worked fine but it didn’t update the desktop shortcuts. So I deleted and recreated them. Now every time I try to use one I...

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What is the exhaustive list of command line shortcuts to Microsoft settings?

I’ve gotten quite used to typing compmgnt.msc or similar commands to bring up certain dialogs faster than it would take me to navigate to them. For this one in particular I just tap Start then r enter...

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How do I stop shortcuts following moved folders on Windows Server

If I move a folder (to temporarily stop people running programs in that folder), the desktop shortcuts they use to access those programs sometimes follow the folder. Is there any way to stop this...

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How to connect with a vpn connection without any prompt in windows 8

In windows 7 , we can define a hotkey for connect to internet via VPN connection immediately without any prompt, through these Steps: Create shortcut for VPN connection for example in Desktop. Define...

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